12 01 16

Antique stuff


Antique stuff retrem­pé à la force des lourds inter­nets, VierSomes 003 (The Berlin Edition) contient mon com­men­taire com­po­sé d’Une Vie de Maupassant sous le titre Flood sea­son 3, un truc antique retrem­pé par la grâce d’un anglais qui consacre. Coquilles, marges maigres, gra­fimse, démem­bre­ment.

And in fact, all the same, in the end the whole thing
tends to look
like blocks of prose pow­de­ring
hacking about
the pro­si­me­tric temp­ta­tion
like a can­cer you might learn about
always one day too late
or so, alrea­dy
redu­ced to ver­bo­se­ness about what dying is
or may be
might be
the sta­tis­ti­cal lan­guage
of pro­bab­bli­ties ove­rad­jec­ti­vates loo­se­ly
suf­fixates, moral, sen­ten­tious, urban
plan­ning recons­truc­tions
bring up a new balls:dignity ratio
adverse to both.
A baked tou­rist resembles their vic­tims,
bel­ly just dif­fe­rent­ly bloa­ted
disor­der spreads to peo­ple’s names, manes
varie­ga­ted cli­mates appear
mad ani­mals get cooked
the future and all
was all rea­dy to be writ­ten
as only crea­tion attunes
this sleep
for all we care
for all we know
might as well last fore­ver
and we would never report our­selves mis­sing
yet, all this while,
our names & manes dis­se­mi­nate lei­su­re­ly
the flood las­ting more than a year
among others
and being alrea­dy writ­ten
greeks & latins
the ancient his­to­rians
ances­tors mis­sing at the mall
dubious walk, sus­pect sprawl :
geeks on latrines, pro­phe­cies
in shapes of shit & cloud
the loo fas­ting more than a year
the same thing applies to grou­pers
and other mis­sing ani­mals
for which digni­ty’s not a dres­sing
cook ! mal ! add ! ani­mals !
under the rus­se­ty light of fire
his­to­ry’s oozing things.